Shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold
Shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold

shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold

  • Turn right and duck under the next door as well, then grab the gold on the ground.
  • Drop into the room on the other end, then duck under the door on your right.
  • On the left side of the room, near the document, climb the wall and into the narrow tunnel.
  • Disarm the two traps in the next hall and grab the relic and document in the room at the end.
  • Check out the mural in the room at the end of the hall, then smash through the pry barrier on the left.
  • Continue to follow the hall, then duck under the next set of spears. Duck under the first trap, then jump over the spiked pit. Keep following the hall until you can finally surface and get out of the water.
  • Knock down the pry barrier ahead of you.
  • Backtrack through the hall and back down to where you picked up the relic earlier.
  • Dive into the water next to the archivist map, then swim a little way along the hall there to find another survival cache.
  • Keep running down the hallway until you find archivist map. Run along the hallway and disarm the trap you find.
  • Turn to the right, then look for a set of stairs on your right.
  • There’s a relic right below the trapped air there.
  • Keep going along that hall until you come to the right turn.
  • Squeeze through, then continue along the hall on the other side.
  • Near that cache, also underwater, look for a small gap in the rocks along the bottom of the pit.
  • Swim down to the bottom of the water, then look around for the group of statues standing in a circle - there’s a survival cache in the middle of them.
  • Visit the mural on the right before you jump down into the water at the bottom of the pit.
  • Continue along until you come to the round room with the pit in the middle.
  • Head into the low tunnel, then disarm the trap on the other side.
  • shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold

    Eidos Montreal, Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix via Polygon

    Shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold